Mios Popup, Isetan Tokyo
Creative direction and design of the Mios Popup event in Isetan, Tokyo.
The Mios is a Cybex Platinum stroller designed for the Asia-Pacific market. It's a high-end product built with premium materials however it's design is light-weight and compact for use in bustling cities with breathable mesh materials for the hotter climate. With this in mind, Isetan in Tokyo was selected as the perfect location for the Mios activation due to the city being renowned as a global trend hub and Isetan's reputation as a premium department store which caters to the target demographic of the Cybex Platinum brand.
The popup space was inspired by the Mios itself and was designed to have a high-end feel while remaining engaging and functional. Experience was a key consideration with a test track installed centrally within, a consultation area offset to be unobtrusive as well as large format imagery and screens to communicate the campaign and product functionality.
This activation was highly successful and resulted in a complete sell-out of available stock as well as an highly positive amount of additional product orders.
Work Scope: Concept Direction, Visualizations, Technical Drawings, Project Management
The Mios is a Cybex Platinum stroller designed for the Asia-Pacific market. It's a high-end product built with premium materials however it's design is light-weight and compact for use in bustling cities with breathable mesh materials for the hotter climate. With this in mind, Isetan in Tokyo was selected as the perfect location for the Mios activation due to the city being renowned as a global trend hub and Isetan's reputation as a premium department store which caters to the target demographic of the Cybex Platinum brand.
The popup space was inspired by the Mios itself and was designed to have a high-end feel while remaining engaging and functional. Experience was a key consideration with a test track installed centrally within, a consultation area offset to be unobtrusive as well as large format imagery and screens to communicate the campaign and product functionality.
This activation was highly successful and resulted in a complete sell-out of available stock as well as an highly positive amount of additional product orders.
Work Scope: Concept Direction, Visualizations, Technical Drawings, Project Management